Our operational costs, approximately 85% of which is veterinary expenses, is covered entirely by the adoption donation requested for each dog we place, through our fundraising efforts and by general donations. Since we are a 501c3 organization, donations are tax deductible so please consider helping us in our efforts. If your employer will match your donation, consider EGRR in your charitable giving.
How to Donate
Send a check to (please make checks payable to Evergreen Golden Retriever Rescue EGRR): Evergreen Golden Retriever Rescue P.O. Box 3088 Renton, WA. 98056 or use our PayPal button below.
Evergreen Golden Retriever Rescue also earns a percentage of all your purchases from our shopping partners:
Click on the logo above or here: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-1815066 to shop and Amazon.com will donate .5% of your purchase to Evergreen Golden Retriever Rescue.
iGive.com Join iGive.com today to Support EGRR. It’s FREE, private, & easy. Up to 26% of EACH PURCHASE gets donated to EGRR! Just click on the iGive image below. This will take you to the iGive.com website — you will find the “join here” box on the right side of the screen.
DogStuff.com At DogStuff.com you will find gifts, toys and supplies for you, your dogs, and your dog-loving family and friends! More than 9,000 items in 150 breeds.
The Inky Paw The Inky Paw, gifts for Dog and Animal Lovers. Click on the image below.
Helping Udders Cool dog stuff not found in stores! 10-50% of EVERY purchase you make here goes to support EGRR! Click on the image above. IMPORTANT: You must indicate “(EGRR)” in the message section of the check-out process.
Hale Pet Doors Help support EGRR while offering your new pet the freedom to come and go as he pleases by purchasing a Hale Pet Door™. The most energy efficient, attractive and secure pet door on the market. Complete and redeem the rescue rewards coupon by calling 888-293-6411 and receive a 10% discount off the purchase price of a Hale Pet door product, and in turn, Hale will donate 10% to EGRR. Click the logo below to visit Hale Pet Door’s Website.